Digital Ads

I design and execute high-converting ad campaigns that maximize reach, optimize budgets, and drive measurable results across platforms like Google, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

Positioning Kryterion as the Go-To Credentialing Partner

I spearheaded the development of this campaign, crafting a data-driven messaging approach to educate businesses on the ROI of customer certification programs. By leveraging research that a 5% increase in retention can drive up to 95% higher profits, we positioned certification as a revenue multiplier.

ROI Calculator Campaign

I led the strategy, messaging, and execution of this campaign aimed at exam sponsors frustrated with sudden price hikes from competitors. We used a problem-solution approach, highlighting Kryterion’s stable pricing, advanced proctoring tech, and strong client retention to reinforce trust.

Content Strategy & Demand Generation

I led the content creation and demand generation strategy for this educational campaign, designed to attract new clients by addressing common pitfalls in launching a certification program. The guide served as a lead magnet, integrated into a multi-channel campaign with paid ads, organic social, and email automation.